Easy, Automated Integration With External Partners

Connect your external partners to your business’ main ERP processes, for improved efficiency and streamlined business operations.

While businesses used to be able to survive with only in-house teams, the globalization of the world has made external collaboration essential to a business’ success. Yet, with external collaboration comes the increased risk of inefficiency and process breakdowns.

Our suite of plug-and-play portals ensures the preservation of your business’ workflows, as well as streamlines external collaboration to ensure optimal performance. Some of the tools we offer include:

Customers Portal

  Automatically give your customers the information they need from your QAD ERP through their own portal.

Supplier Portal

  Collect data from your suppliers all in a single place, eliminating emails, missed calls, faxes and lost invoices.

External Manufacturing Supplier Portal

  Collaborate with your manufacturing partner, bridging the gap between timezone and communication differences.

External WareHouse Portal

  Manage, control and update inventory in your external warehouse on QAD in a private, secure way at any hour of the day.

Let’s redefine the way your business handles external collaboration.